- Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators
- PAD see Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Paget's Disease of Bone
- Paget's Disease of Breast see Breast Cancer
- Pain
- Pain Relievers
- Pain, Abdominal see Abdominal Pain
- Pain, Back see Back Pain
- Pain, Chest see Chest Pain
- Pain, Chronic see Chronic Pain
- Painful Bladder Syndrome see Interstitial Cystitis
- Painkillers see Pain Relievers
- Palliative Care
- Pancreas Transplantation
- Pancreatic Cancer
- Pancreatic Diseases
- Pancreatitis
- Panic Disorder
- Pantothenic Acid see B Vitamins
- Paralysis
- Paralysis Agitans see Parkinson's Disease
- Paralysis, Infantile see Polio and Post-Polio Syndrome
- Paralytic Ileus see Intestinal Obstruction
- Paranasal Sinus Cancer see Nasal Cancer
- Paraplegia see Paralysis
- Parasitic Diseases
- Parathyroid Disorders
- Parenteral Nutrition see Nutritional Support
- Parenting
- Parkinson's Disease
- Paronychia see Nail Diseases
- Parotid Gland Cancer see Salivary Gland Cancer
- Parotid Gland Disorders see Salivary Gland Disorders
- Partner Abuse see Intimate Partner Violence
- Parvovirus B19 see Fifth Disease
- Passive Smoking see Secondhand Smoke
- Patella see Knee Injuries and Disorders
- Paternity Testing see Genetic Testing
- Pathological Gambling see Compulsive Gambling
- Patient Portals see Personal Health Records
- Patient Records see Personal Health Records
- Patient Rights
- Patient Safety
- PCOS see Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Peanut Allergy see Food Allergy
- Pediatrics see Children's Health
- Pee see Urine and Urination
- Pelvic Exam see Women's Health Checkup
- Pelvic Floor Disorders
- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Pelvic Pain
- Pelvis see Hip Injuries and Disorders
- Pemphigoid see Pemphigus
- Pemphigus
- Penile Disorders see Penis Disorders
- Penis Disorders
- PEP see HIV: PrEP and PEP
- Peptic Ulcer
- Performance-Enhancing Drugs see Anabolic Steroids; Sports Fitness
- Pericardial Disorders
- Pericardial Effusion see Pericardial Disorders
- Pericarditis see Pericardial Disorders
- Perimenopause see Menopause
- Period Pain
- Periodontal Disease see Gum Disease
- Peripheral Arterial Disease
- Peripheral Nerve Disorders
- Peritoneal Dialysis see Dialysis
- Peritoneal Disorders
- Peritonitis see Peritoneal Disorders
- Persian Gulf War see Veterans and Military Health
- Persistent Vegetative State see Coma
- Personal Health Records
- Personality Disorders
- Perspiration see Sweat
- Pertussis see Whooping Cough
- Pervasive Developmental Disorder see Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Pesticides
- Pet Health
- PET Scans see Nuclear Scans
- Pets see Pet Health
- Peyronie's Disease see Penis Disorders
- Pfiesteria Infections see Water Pollution
- Phantom Limb see Limb Loss
- Pharyngeal Cancer see Throat Cancer
- Pharyngitis see Sore Throat
- Pharynx Disorders see Throat Disorders
- Phenylketonuria
- Pheochromocytoma
- Phobias
- Phosphorus see Minerals
- Physical Fitness see Exercise and Physical Fitness
- Physical Therapy see Rehabilitation
- Phytotherapy see Herbal Medicine
- Pica see Eating Disorders
- PID see Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
- Piercing and Tattoos
- Piles see Hemorrhoids
- Pilonidal Cyst see Tailbone Disorders
- Pimples see Acne
- Pinguecula see Eye Diseases
- Pink Eye
- Pinworms
- Pituitary Disorders
- Pituitary Tumors
- PKU see Phenylketonuria
- Plague
- Plantar Fasciitis see Heel Injuries and Disorders
- Plantar Warts see Warts
- Plaque, Atherosclerotic see Atherosclerosis
- Plaque, Dental see Gum Disease; Tooth Decay
- Plasma-cell Myeloma see Multiple Myeloma
- Plasmacytoma see Multiple Myeloma
- Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
- Platelet Disorders
- Pleural Disorders
- Pleural Effusion see Pleural Disorders
- Pleurisy see Pleural Disorders
- Plumbism see Lead Poisoning
- PMS see Premenstrual Syndrome
- Pneumococcal Infections
- Pneumoconiosis see Interstitial Lung Diseases
- Pneumocystis Infections
- Pneumonia
- Pneumonic Plague see Plague
- Pneumothorax see Collapsed Lung; Pleural Disorders
- Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac
- Poison Oak see Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac
- Poison Sumac see Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac
- Poisoning
- Poisons in the Home see Household Products
- Polio and Post-Polio Syndrome
- Poliomyelitis see Polio and Post-Polio Syndrome
- Pollen Allergy see Hay Fever
- Pollution see Air Pollution; Indoor Air Pollution; Water Pollution
- Polychondritis see Cartilage Disorders
- Polycystic Kidney Disease see Kidney Cysts; Kidney Diseases
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
- Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- Polymyositis see Myositis
- Poop see Bowel Movement
- Porphyria
- Positional Plagiocephaly see Craniofacial Abnormalities
- Post-COVID Conditions (Long COVID)
- Post-herpetic Neuralgia see Shingles
- Post-polio Syndrome see Polio and Post-Polio Syndrome
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome see Lyme Disease
- Postoperative Care see After Surgery
- Postpartum Care
- Postpartum Depression
- Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome see Autonomic Nervous System Disorders
- Posture see Guide to Good Posture
- Potassium
- PPS see Polio and Post-Polio Syndrome
- Prader-Willi Syndrome
- Preconception Care
- Prediabetes
- Prednisone see Steroids
- Preeclampsia see High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy
- Preemies see Premature Babies
- Pregnancy
- Pregnancy and AIDS see HIV and Pregnancy
- Pregnancy and Diabetes see Diabetes and Pregnancy
- Pregnancy and Health Problems see Health Problems in Pregnancy
- Pregnancy and HIV see HIV and Pregnancy
- Pregnancy and Medicines
- Pregnancy and Nutrition
- Pregnancy and Opioids
- Pregnancy and Substance Abuse see Pregnancy and Substance Use
- Pregnancy and Substance Use
- Pregnancy Complications see Health Problems in Pregnancy
- Pregnancy Hazards see Reproductive Hazards
- Pregnancy Loss see Miscarriage; Stillbirth
- Pregnancy, High-Risk see Health Problems in Pregnancy
- Pregnancy, Infections in see Infections and Pregnancy
- Pregnancy, Teen see Teenage Pregnancy
- Premature Babies
- Premature Birth see Preterm Labor
- Premature Ejaculation see Sexual Problems in Men
- Premature Labor see Childbirth Problems; Preterm Labor
- Premature Menopause see Menopause
- Premature Ovarian Failure see Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
- Premenstrual Syndrome
- Prenatal Care
- Prenatal Testing
- PrEP see HIV: PrEP and PEP
- Presbycusis see Hearing Disorders and Deafness
- Presbyopia see Refractive Errors
- Prescription Drug Abuse see Prescription Drug Misuse
- Prescription Drug Misuse
- Pressure Sores
- Preterm Labor
- Prevention see Healthy Living
- Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases see Immune System and Disorders
- Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
- Primary Peritoneal Cancer see Ovarian Cancer
- Primary Pulmonary Hypertension see Pulmonary Hypertension
- Prion Diseases see Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease; Degenerative Nerve Diseases
- Privacy see Patient Rights; Personal Health Records
- PRK see Laser Eye Surgery
- Proctitis see Rectal Disorders
- Progeria see Genetic Disorders
- Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
- Prolactinoma see Pituitary Tumors
- Prostate Cancer
- Prostate Cancer Screening
- Prostate Diseases
- Prosthetic Limbs see Artificial Limbs
- Protective Eye Wear see Eye Injuries; Eye Wear
- Proteins see Dietary Proteins
- Proteinuria see Urinalysis
- Pruritus see Itching
- Pruritus Ani see Anal Disorders
- Pseudogout see Gout
- Psoriasis
- Psoriatic Arthritis
- Psychiatric Disorders see Mental Disorders
- Psychological Stress see Stress
- Psychotic Disorders
- Ptosis see Eyelid Disorders
- PTSD see Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Puberty
- Pubic Lice
- Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension see Pulmonary Hypertension
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Pulmonary Emphysema see Emphysema
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Pulmonary Hypertension
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- Pulse see Vital Signs
- PXE see Connective Tissue Disorders
- Pyelonephritis see Urinary Tract Infections
- Pyrexia see Fever