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Learning Disabilities

Also called: Learning differences, Learning disorders


What is a learning disability?

Learning disabilities are conditions that affect the ability to learn. They can cause problems with:

  • Understanding what people are saying
  • Speaking
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Doing math
  • Paying attention

Often, children have more than one kind of learning disability. They may also have another condition, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This can make learning even more of a challenge. The sooner a learning disability is identified and addressed, the better a child is likely to perform in school.

What causes learning disabilities?

Learning disabilities don't have anything to do with how smart your child is. They are caused by differences in the brain, and they affect the way the brain takes in and uses information. These differences are usually present at birth. But there are certain factors that can play a role in the development of a learning disability, including:

How are learning disabilities diagnosed?

The earlier you can find and treat a learning disability, the better. Unfortunately, learning disabilities are usually not found until a child is in school. If you notice that your child is struggling, talk to your child's teacher or health care provider about having your child evaluated for a learning disability. The evaluation may include:

  • Doing a physical exam to check for a medical problem that might make learning more difficult.
  • Asking about your family history.
  • Test your child's intellectual and school performance.

What are the treatments for learning disabilities?

The most common treatment for learning disabilities is special education. A teacher or other learning specialist can help your child learn skills by building on their strengths and finding ways to make up for their weaknesses. They may suggest ways you can help your child when they do homework. Instructors may try special teaching methods, make changes to the classroom, or use technologies that can assist your child's learning needs. Some children also get help from tutors or speech or language therapists.

A child with a learning disability may struggle with low self-esteem, frustration, and other problems. Mental health professionals can help your child understand these feelings, develop coping tools, and build healthy relationships.

If your child has another condition, such as ADHD, they will need treatment for that condition as well.

NIH: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development

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