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Evaluating Internet Health Information Tutorial

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Provider and Purpose—Part 4 of 6

The Institute's mission is "to provide the public with heart health information and to offer related services."

Can you tell if these services are free? The real purpose might be to sell you something.

If you keep reading, you'll learn that a company that makes vitamins and medicines helps pay for the site.

The site might favor that particular company and its products.

Screenshot of the 'About this Site' page for the IHH. A red box outlines their mission statement. A second red box outlines the text '...the support of HeartDrugz, a company that produces high-quality vitamins and medication.'
This example shows why it is important to read the information about the site.

What about contact information? There is a "Contact Us" link, but no other contact information is provided.

Screenshot of the IHH homepage. A red box outlines the text 'Contact Us' in the footer area.
This example shows that contact information may be harder to find and/or contain less information on some sites.
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