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Evaluating Internet Health Information Tutorial

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Privacy—Part 3 of 3

The Institute site promotes a "membership" option that allows you to join the Institute.

And as you saw earlier, a store on this site allows you to buy products.

If you buy something or sign up for membership, you will be giving the Institute your personal information. Then your browsing history on the site can be linked with you specifically.

Screenshot of the IHH homepage. A red box outlines a form in the lower right corner of where a user's name, email address, zip code and age is requested in order to 'join the institute.'
This example shows that your name, zip code and age are being requested. If you provide this information, it will identify you personally.

Before you provide any personal information, it's important to know how it will be used.

From the privacy policy, you can learn that the Institute will share your personal information with the company that sponsors the site. It may also be shared with others.

Only share your information if you are comfortable with how it will be used.

Screenshot of the IHH 'Privacy Policy' page. A red box highlights the text 'This information may be shared with the sponsors of this Web site or with carefully-screened third parties as necessary for the operation of the Institute for a Healthier Heart.'
This example shows why it is worth taking time to read a site's privacy policy. It can help you figure out a website's true purpose and help protect the privacy of your personal information.

Which site can you trust? Let's review what we now know about each site.

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