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RP2 gene

RP2 activator of ARL3 GTPase

Normal Function

The RP2 gene provides instructions for making a protein that is essential for normal vision. The RP2 protein is active in cells throughout the body, including cells that make up the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (the retina). However, the function of the RP2 protein is not well understood. Studies suggest that it may be involved in transporting proteins within the retina's specialized light receptor cells (photoreceptors). Its role in other types of cells is unknown.

Health Conditions Related to Genetic Changes

Retinitis pigmentosa

More than 70 mutations in the RP2 gene have been identified in people with the X-linked form of retinitis pigmentosa. This condition primarily affects males, causing night blindness in early childhood followed by progressive daytime vision loss. RP2 gene mutations account for 10 to 15 percent of all cases of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa.

Most mutations in the RP2 gene lead to the production of an abnormally short version of the RP2 protein. A few mutations change single building blocks (amino acids) in the RP2 protein. These changes alter the structure and function of the protein, which probably disrupts the stability or maintenance of photoreceptor cells. A gradual loss of photoreceptors underlies the progressive vision loss characteristic of retinitis pigmentosa.

More About This Health Condition

Other Names for This Gene

  • DELXp11.3
  • KIAA0215
  • NM23-H10
  • NME10
  • protein XRP2
  • retinitis pigmentosa 2 (X-linked recessive)
  • TBCCD2
  • XRP2

Additional Information & Resources

Tests Listed in the Genetic Testing Registry

Scientific Articles on PubMed

Catalog of Genes and Diseases from OMIM

Gene and Variant Databases


  • Breuer DK, Yashar BM, Filippova E, Hiriyanna S, Lyons RH, Mears AJ, Asaye B, Acar C, Vervoort R, Wright AF, Musarella MA, Wheeler P, MacDonald I, Iannaccone A, Birch D, Hoffman DR, Fishman GA, Heckenlively JR, Jacobson SG, Sieving PA, Swaroop A. A comprehensive mutation analysis of RP2 and RPGR in a North American cohort of families with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. Am J Hum Genet. 2002 Jun;70(6):1545-54. doi: 10.1086/340848. Epub 2002 Apr 30. Citation on PubMed or Free article on PubMed Central
  • Evans RJ, Hardcastle AJ, Cheetham ME. Focus on molecules: X-linked Retinitis Pigmentosa 2 protein, RP2. Exp Eye Res. 2006 Apr;82(4):543-4. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2005.10.023. Epub 2005 Nov 28. No abstract available. Citation on PubMed
  • Evans RJ, Schwarz N, Nagel-Wolfrum K, Wolfrum U, Hardcastle AJ, Cheetham ME. The retinitis pigmentosa protein RP2 links pericentriolar vesicle transport between the Golgi and the primary cilium. Hum Mol Genet. 2010 Apr 1;19(7):1358-67. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddq012. Epub 2010 Jan 27. Citation on PubMed
  • Grayson C, Bartolini F, Chapple JP, Willison KR, Bhamidipati A, Lewis SA, Luthert PJ, Hardcastle AJ, Cowan NJ, Cheetham ME. Localization in the human retina of the X-linked retinitis pigmentosa protein RP2, its homologue cofactor C and the RP2 interacting protein Arl3. Hum Mol Genet. 2002 Nov 15;11(24):3065-74. doi: 10.1093/hmg/11.24.3065. Citation on PubMed
  • Jayasundera T, Branham KE, Othman M, Rhoades WR, Karoukis AJ, Khanna H, Swaroop A, Heckenlively JR. RP2 phenotype and pathogenetic correlations in X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. Arch Ophthalmol. 2010 Jul;128(7):915-23. doi: 10.1001/archophthalmol.2010.122. Citation on PubMed or Free article on PubMed Central
  • Mears AJ, Gieser L, Yan D, Chen C, Fahrner S, Hiriyanna S, Fujita R, Jacobson SG, Sieving PA, Swaroop A. Protein-truncation mutations in the RP2 gene in a North American cohort of families with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. Am J Hum Genet. 1999 Mar;64(3):897-900. doi: 10.1086/302298. No abstract available. Citation on PubMed or Free article on PubMed Central
  • Schwahn U, Lenzner S, Dong J, Feil S, Hinzmann B, van Duijnhoven G, Kirschner R, Hemberger M, Bergen AA, Rosenberg T, Pinckers AJ, Fundele R, Rosenthal A, Cremers FP, Ropers HH, Berger W. Positional cloning of the gene for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa 2. Nat Genet. 1998 Aug;19(4):327-32. doi: 10.1038/1214. Citation on PubMed
  • Schwahn U, Paland N, Techritz S, Lenzner S, Berger W. Mutations in the X-linked RP2 gene cause intracellular misrouting and loss of the protein. Hum Mol Genet. 2001 May 15;10(11):1177-83. doi: 10.1093/hmg/10.11.1177. Citation on PubMed

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