Using MedlinePlus Connect
Using MedlinePlus Connect
- How does MedlinePlus Connect work?
- MedlinePlus Connect responds to requests based on diagnosis (problem) codes, medication codes, laboratory test codes, and medical procedure codes. When an EHR or patient portal submits a code request, MedlinePlus Connect returns a response that includes links to relevant MedlinePlus health information. MedlinePlus Connect can reply with English or Spanish information. The "How MedlinePlus Connect Works" page has more information.
- Can I test out MedlinePlus Connect before I decide to implement it?
- A demonstration page for the MedlinePlus Connect Web application allows you to view how the responses from MedlinePlus will appear in your EHR.
- A demonstration page for the MedlinePlus Connect Web service is also available. It shows the responses in XML, JSON, and JSONP.
- Our EHR/patient portal already links to another patient education source. Can I use it and MedlinePlus Connect in the same system?
- Yes. You don't have to use MedlinePlus Connect exclusively to link to patient education information. Many EHR systems can be configured to link to more than one source of consumer health information.
Technical Questions
Technical Questions
- What is the difference between the Web application and the Web service?
The MedlinePlus Connect Web application and Web service use different methods to deliver the same easy access to MedlinePlus consumer health information. The Web application provides an on-demand, formatted MedlinePlus Connect Web page. The Web service returns XML, JSON, or JSONP, which allows implementers greater flexibility to tailor the display and format of the information.
To view the differences between the two, check out the Web application demonstration page and the Web service demonstration page.
Both the MedlinePlus Connect Web application and the MedlinePlus Connect Web service support the HL7 Context-Aware Knowledge Retrieval (Infobutton) Knowledge Request Standard.
- In addition to MedlinePlus Connect, what other data services does MedlinePlus provide?
- MedlinePlus offers a search-based Web service that provides access to MedlinePlus health topic data in XML format. Using the Web service, software developers can build applications that utilize MedlinePlus health topic information. The service accepts keyword searches as requests and returns relevant health topics in ranked order. Keyword searches may be limited to specific fields. The service also returns health topic summaries, search result snippets, external links, and other associated data.
- MedlinePlus also produces XML data sets of health topic and health topic group information. The XML sets are available in English and Spanish.
MedlinePlus Connect Users
MedlinePlus Connect Users
- Who uses MedlinePlus Connect?
- The MedlinePlus Connect users list contains health care organizations and electronic health record systems that have told us they are using MedlinePlus Connect. The list is not comprehensive, and because use of MedlinePlus Connect does not require licensing or registration we do not know of every organization or product that has implemented our service.
- Are there any current MedlinePlus Connect users who can tell me about their experience?
- MedlinePlus Connect has an email list where users can write questions and comments to the MedlinePlus Connect team as well as other users. This is a great way to find other users who can share their experiences using MedlinePlus Connect with you. In addition, you can learn about some of the Electronic Health Record systems and specific hospital or practice systems that use MedlinePlus Connect on our Users page.
Other Questions
Other Questions
- Is there promotional material that I can send to other people in my institution about MedlinePlus Connect?
- MedlinePlus Connect provides handouts, webcasts, and other informational materials. A list can be found in the Resources & News section of our Overview page.
More Information
- How MedlinePlus Connect Works
- MedlinePlus Connect News
- Demonstrations — Web application and Web service
- Technical information for developers
- MedlinePlus Connect Users and Partners
- MedlinePlus Connect handout - PDF
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- MedlinePlus Connect email list
- Contact MedlinePlus Connect