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Video Player Keyboard Shortcuts

MedlinePlus offers a set of accessible keyboard shortcuts for our latest Health videos on the MedlinePlus site. These shortcuts allow you to control the video by using the keyboard. To disable the shortcuts, use the TAB key or your mouse to click outside of the video player.

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Space barPause/Play the video
Enter keyPause/Play the video
M or mMute/Unmute video volume
Up and Down arrow keysRaise and lower volume by 10%
Right and Left arrow keysMove forward or backward by 5 seconds
0 to 9 number keysGo to 0% to 90% of the video
F or fEnter or exit fullscreen (Note: To exit fullscreen you can also press the ESC key)
C or cShow/hide closed captioning

Note: Not all alphanumeric keys are available when in full screen mode. Keyboard shortcuts are also not supported in Internet Explorer 8.